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435 results for *
Storage Jar
Unidentified artist
15th century
Dish with Design of Fish and Water Weeds
Unidentified artist
15th-16th century
Jar with Oil-Spot Glaze
Unidentified artist
12th century
Oil Lamp with Oil-Spot Glaze
Unidentified artist
12th century
Bowl with Russet Splashes
Unidentified artist
12th century
Jar with Russet-Splashed Glaze
Unidentified artist
12th century
Bowl with Decoration of Russet Stripes
Unidentified artist
12th or 13th century
Bowl with Russet Hare's-Fur Markings
Unidentified artist
12th or early 13th century
Bowl with Russet Markings
Unidentified artist
12th or early 13th century
Jar with Painted Decoration of Phoenix
Unidentified artist
12th or early 13th century
Unidentified artist
probably 13th century
Tripod Censer
Unidentified artist
13th or 14th century